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Class:  Practical Psychic Defense and Energy Protection Techniques for Home and Office
Time: October 13, Sunday  12:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Love Donation: $50
Location: St. Michael's Grove, Bayview Texas

There are basic techniques a person can learn and practice to protect themselves and their energy from the negativity of others, protect yourself from people who drain you and from curses, hexes and spells.  This Psychic Self Defense Class teaches you practical ways of utilizing your energy to properly protect yourself, your belongings, and your love ones from psychic attacks, negative intentions, malicious entities and energetic pollution.

Space limited to 8 to 10 people,  so call early to reserve a spot (956) 233-1629

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Among the topics covered:

  • Closing the aura to prevent intrusions.
  • Understanding how psychic attacks are launched and how you can protect yourself from them.
  • How to deal with black magicians
  • How to work with Archangel Michael and the Sword of Blue Flame
  • Placing a protective aura around your business to ensure prosperity.
  • Utilizing holy objects for protection, empowerment and good luck.
  • Practicing advanced psychic self-defense techniques, specifically for healers.
  • Shielding your personal belongings, including your financial assets.
  • Multi-dimensional shielding for protection on the spiritual, mental, emotional, etheric and physical planes.
  • Putting remedies into place for attacks that have already penetrated your energy fields.
  • Guarding against the critical factors that can weaken a shield.
  • Using the power of love to get an angry psychic assailant on your side.
  • Building up sufficient energy for your shield and combining the energy with visualization and intent for optimum protection.
  • Using the ancient Magic Circles Ritual to receive comprehensive protection from angels, masters and teachers.
  • Protecting your business and finances from envious competitors and their negative vibes.
  • Experience inner peace and calmness in the midst of a chaotic work or home environment.
  • Stopping "psychic vampires" from draining your precious life force.
  • Learning to create bubble of white light for a shield

Space limited to 8 to 10 people so call early to reserve a spot


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