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Raise your Chakra System to the 5th Dimension

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The Chakra Labyrinth Walk brings in the energy to upgrade your chakra system to a 5th Dimensional Vibrational Seed Pattern.  The subtle energy centers used in the Stargate Labyrinth Walk is the same as the major chakras from the Hindu system and Energy Medicine. Each chakra center has a specific function, and the energy in each has a unique 'feel.' Each of the circuits in our 7 circuit labyrinth is related to one of the 7 major chakras in your body.  Below is a picture the rings you will be walking. You will be visualizing the 5th dimensional color associated with each chakra as you walk each labyrinth ring. Below is a list of the 5th dimensional chakra system.


In the fifth dimension, your red base chakra shimmers with Blue Green Aqua  and connects with the joy and wisdom of dolphin energy. Your material needs are automatically met. The pure white Archangel Gabriel rules this chakra, bringing clarity and confidence to your future. The identification of the Master I AM presence here on Earth. Incredibly powerful.  I am a Child of the Light , I love the Light, I serve the Light, I live in the Light, I am Protected by the Light, I am illuminated, supplied, sustained by the Light


The orange Sacred Chakra is now bright pink. This beautiful nexus point has proved the most challenging to clear and assimilate. Containing most of the modern day challenges, those still working through financial/relationship issues will be clearing through initiations held here.At fifth dimensional level, the sacral chakra is a beautiful soft pink and radiates transcendent love. Guarded by Archangel Gabriel, this chakra helps you express love through sexuality. When the frequency of this chakra is raised, you will choose romantic partners wisely. Those aware and using this chakra consciously, will now be fully aware of the complete interconnection between oneself, and all other forms of life on this planet. I activate...


Your yellow Solar Plexus is bright gold. The fifth dimensional solar plexus is the ‘feelers’ within the body. Accessing all forms of surrounding vibrations, and analysing them for the Masters perceptions. Archangel Uriel looks after this chakra, absorbing lower emotions, strengthening confidence and bringing wisdom until this centre radiates at a higher frequency. When it does, your solar plexus is a deep bright gold with rainbow flashes. I Merge...


Your Green Heart turns ..bright white…The most powerful energy centre within the sentient form. This is the point where pure love is accessed, and created. Archangel Chamuel opens your heart to its deepest levels. All archangels link into the heart centre, which radiates pure white when it transitions into the fifth dimension, helping you to see the best in everyone, everything and act with love in all you do. I Dare...


At the fifth dimensional frequency turns the sky blue throat chakra (Daath), looked after by Archangel Michael, is Cobalt royal blue. This bright dark blue chakra is very powerful, taking the vibration of thought patterns into spoken manifestation. At this frequency you can safely say what you really feel, think and believe, as people will trust you. You will also be able to take mastery of your life and know who you are. I Will...


Your Indigo Third Eye..turn emerald green. This is your manifestation point. It is also the receptivity centre that puts information we receive into tangible reality.Archangel Rephael works with this chakra to help remove the veils of illusion, just like a crystal ball, enabling you to see the world from a higher perspective. I Know...


Your purple crown chakra turns bright Platinum.  This liquid Platinum chakra now receives information processed by the Higher Self, and is fed by the upper three transcendent charras. Archangel Metatron, Cosmic Being Mahatma, Archangel  Josephine helps to develop this chakra, known as the thousand petal lotus. At the fifth dimension it opens you up to the wisdom of the universe, like a blossoming flower. I Am that.. I Am


The Alta Major Chakra located in the back of the neck is an important sacred vortex of Aqua Fire It is a highly sensitive portal of energy with an antenna alerting you to negative energies, untruths and toxic influences (think hairs on the back of your neck). It’s also considered an entry point for psychic attacks. The Blue Lightening Angels and Archangel Michael works with this chakra. I Hear...


The Soul Star, six inches above the top of the head. It is magenta in colour, and contains the active blueprint for all of our spiritual gifts. The information stored in this nexus of energy will go back through every lifetime that you have existed in.This is where your soul energy is stored, including your ancestral and family karma. Archangel Marie works with this magenta chakra to enable you to understand your soul more deeply. I Manifest...


Labyrinth Activates DNA
The Labyrinth is designed to start the awakening process for gifts corresponding to your Latent DNA. Each strand of DNA is related to a special gift. The abilities of the twelve strands of DNA are:

1. Creativity- The ability to use our hands to create images envisioned in the mind.

2. Logic- Ordered thinking and methods of reasoning.

3. Telepathy- The ability to transfer thoughts through nonverbal communication.

4. Prophecy- Knowing what will occur before it happens.

5. Manifestation- Using thoughts to create physical objects and situations.

6. Healing- Harmonious alignment between body, mind, and spirit.

7. Empathy- Experiencing another’s energy to know what they think, feel, and need.

8. Regeneration- The ability to rebuild body parts when needed.

9. Deforestation- Instantaneous traveling to other locations and dimensions.

10. Transmutation- The ability to release physical form & change energetic form at will.

11. Fusion- The ability to merge your Spirit Essence with all life as one awareness.

12. Omniscient- Knowing the story and wisdom of all worlds and dimensions within the    


In the next section is a step by step outline the 5th Dimensional Labyrinth Walk that will upgrade your chakra and awaken your latent DNA

Step 1: Open Stargate

Start the Stargate Activation Process

The first step in connecting to 5th dimensional energy to upgrade your chakras is to start the Stargate Activation Process:

  • Open a Stargate,
  • Attune to 5th dimensional Angelic and Star Family Communication Networks,
  • Open Dimensional Communication Portals to connect with your Spiritual Guidance Team
  • Put on Winged Sandals to absorbs and stores energy so that it can be used after the walk.

Click on the links below to do the Transmissions. 

Step 1: Open a Stargate

Step: 2 Put on Winged Sandals

Once you have opened the Multi-Dimensional Communication Portals it is easy to connect directly with your Spirit Family to assist you in  attuning to 5th dimensional energy during and after the Walk is over. 

You can read more information on the Stargate Activation Process by clicking on "How it Works"  located on your browse.

Step 2: Recite the Decree

 After opening the stargate your ready for Step 2. In Step 2 you recite the purpose of your Walk in the form of a Decree. Focus on your Heart Chakra and recite the following Decree 3 time. Envision each of the  fire letters in colored fire written over your heart


I build and strengthen my physical vessel
& spiritual DNA

Kaph(Violet) Lamed(Yellow) Yod(Lime Green) 

Decree : 
By the Authority of Kaph Lamed Yod,ilk

in the name of the Christ within me, Yod-Hey-Shin-Vau-Hey, hvwhI

I decree that this labyrinth walk will connect me to the Emerald Crystaline Pyramid of the Inner Earth's Temple of Green Fire. This connection will balance all my chakras so they are functioning in the 5th dimensional frequency and this energy is building a new physical vessel by activating my Star Codes and spiritual DNA. 
Breathe in and envision Silently: Kaph  Lamed  Yod   ilk
Exhale out loud and envision: Kaph  Lamed  Yod   ilk

Tarot Keys for Meditation:
Tarot Key: Wheel of Fortune Card (Kaph)


Tarot Key: Strength Card (Lamed)


Rise up energy  to connect with God

Tarot Key: Hermit Card (Yod)


Step 3: Walking each Labyrinth Ring
Step 3: Walking each Labyrinth Ring

As you walk the Labyrinth you will be removing negative electro-magnetic frequencies and aligning with the 5th  dimensional template that is generating the New Earth frequencies.   The 5th dimensional chakras are related to the solid and the higher planes of light. They connect us, on a personal and a cosmic level. This means that when our 5th dimensional chakras are opened, we have the possibility to communicate and work on an inter-galactic level.

As you walk each ring you will be intoning the Hebrew God name in a Fire Letter Mantra to draw up a series of Fire Balls the color of your chakras. Why do you intone the Fire Letter Mantra? To connect with the other dimensional energy you have to be able to closely match its high vibrational frequency. Intoning the Fire Letter Mantra raises your vibration to this frequency. The more you increase your frequency, the clearer your connection will be. It is very similar to tuning your radio dial. You have to match your frequency with the desired radio station frequency or you will only hear static until the frequencies comes within range. This enables you to work on what you may call the Inner Planes and is used for transmuting negative energy, manifesting your desires and channeling information for guidance and enlightenment.

You should intone the Fire Letter Mantra syllable by syllable. If possible, vibrate the letters at the pitch of middle C. You will begin to develop a slow rhythmic breathing by repeating the letters over and over again in a manner that is comfortable for you. This raises your vibration to allow you to bring in balls of fire from the Inner Earth's Emerald Crystalline Pyramid of Light. The balls of fire flow out of the top of the Pyramid, pulled through the Stargate into your feet chakras.  The balls will move up your legs and then move up your spinal column into the chakra that corresponds to the Labyrinth Ring you are walking. You will connect the back of your chakra with the front of the chakra with a horizontal infinity (figure eight laying on it's side) symbol. This connection is done because the subconscious parts of your chakras are located in the back of your body directly behind the conscious parts of your chakras.

These different chakra colored Balls of Fire will be entering each of your chakras, one at a time and spinning in a counter clockwise wise direction clearing all the negativity out of the chakra and allowing you to start the awaking process of your our Latent DNA.   The balls of fire emit an vibrational seed pattern of unconditional love and acts as a mini-energy vortex propelling a person to release physical, mental, emotional, and past life blockages very quickly. They are able to help to shift your old energies and remove negative core beliefs that sabotage your ability to merge with your higher self or christ self. Visualize sacred fire filling your chakra. As the ball spins, see waves of black energy burning up in flames and leaving your chakra as black smoke.  Feel it and See it.  Remember energy follows thought. If you imagine it, you will create it. Think about the energy each chakra is bring in.

You will be given a sheet of paper with the Fire Letter Mantra and a detailed script for walking the Labyrinth Rings. Below is the Fire Letter Mantra you will be continuously intone as you walk each ring.

Walking Each Labyrinth Ring

 As you walk the each part of the Labyrinth you will be guided on a Stargate Transmitter in toning the Fire Letter Mantra and visualization for removing negative energy to allow the chakra to upgrade.

  • In your mind's eye, see Inner Earth's Temple of Green Fire. Look deep below the Earth's surface and see a magnificent City of Light covering miles of the interior of the Earth's Core. The City has crystalline buildings and the streets are paved with sparkling gemstones of rubies, emeralds, diamonds and more.  Huge water fountains, flowers gardens and parks with benches line the City.
  • In the center of the city complex is a huge 50 foot Emerald Crystalline Pyramid with a capstone of pure Gold . Radiating from the golden capstone are a series of colored balls of fire floating into the sky above the crystalline city of lights. These balls of fire are traveling up through the sky ...up through the earth's crusts and entering your feet chakra. Feel these series of colored fire balls entering the soles of your feet and flow up your legs to enter each chakra, one at a time.You intuitively know this pyramid will be helping you to reconnect to your original DNA temple and upgrade your chakras.

Walking 1st Chakra Ring: the Solar Plexus Chakra
Recite Fire Letter Mantra and affirmation while walking the Labyrinth Ring and focusing on the Chakra:

Kaph Lamed Yod,ilk

  • I draw up a gold with rainbow sparks ball of fire from the Emerald Pyramid of Light through my feet chakras.  I let it enter my stomach chakra and spin counter clockwise removing negative energy.
  • Coming out of the ball of fire, I see a golden horizontal infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the Chakra... gold fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from the front to back of the chakra.
  • I see and feel Archangel Michael, the Christ, and my Spiritual Guidance Team sending green fire into this chakra.  St. Hildegard of Bingen, (1098-1179) wrote of a Gift of Green fire from the Holy Spirit.  She called it viriditas meaning  “the greening power of God. " She described this power as the agent of God, a divine attribute, the life-force within all creation.  St. Hildegard saw this not only as the life-giving force present at creation, but as the force from the Holy Spirit that enables us to have a personal , dynamic, growing and flowing relationship with God. The Green Flame is symbolic of illumination, and brings in the energy referred to as the ancient emerald tablet in alchemy. It contains the secret formula for the transformation. Green Flame brings on the energy of Mother Earth, the Devas of Healing, Fairies and your Body Elemental.
  • Green fire is perfectly balancing and attuning the chakra to 5th dimensional frequencies.
  • I feel all cords or unwanted energy that is not for my highest good dissolved by the smoldering green fire.
  • The green fire is absorbed into my chakra. My Solar Plexus chakra is now clear, balanced and vibrating at 5th dimensional frequency as a golden ball with rainbow sparks.

Walk the 2nd Ring:  the Sacred Chakra

Recite while walking the Labyrinth Ring and focusing on the Chakra:

Kaph Lamed Yod,ilk

  • I draw up a magenta ball of fire from the Emerald Pyramid of Light through my feet chakra and let it enter my sacred chakra and spin counter clockwise removing all negative energy.
  • Coming out of the magenta ball of fire I see a magenta horizontal infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the Chakra...magenta fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from front to back.
  • I feel and see Archangel Michael, the Christ, and my Spiritual Guidance Team sending green fire into this chakra. Green Fire is perfectly balancing and attuning the chakra to 5th dimensional frequencies. I feel all cords or unwanted energy that is not for my highest good dissolved by smoldering green fire. 
  • The green fire is absorbed into my chakra. My sacred chakra is now clear, balanced and vibrating at 5th dimensional frequency as a ball of magenta fire.

Walk the 3rd Ring:  the Base Chakra
Recite while walking the Labyrinth Ring and focusing on the Chakra:

Kaph Lamed Yod,ilk

  • I draw up a Platinum ball of fire from the Emerald Pyramid of Light through my feet chakras. I let it enter my base chakra and spin counter clockwise removing negative energy.
  • I see and feel Archangel Michael, the Christ, and my Spiritual Guidance Team sending green fire into this chakra. This green fire is perfectly balancing and attuning it to 5th dimensional frequencies. I feel all cords or unwanted energy that is not for my highest good dissolved by smoldering green fire.
  • The green fire is absorbed into my chakra. My base chakra is clear, balanced and is now vibrating at 5th dimensional frequency as a ball of Platinum fire.

Walking the 4th Ring: Heart Chakra

Recite while walking the Labyrinth Ring and focusing on the Chakra:

Kaph Lamed Yod,ilk

  • I draw up a White ball of fire from the Emerald Pyramid of Light through my feet Chakras. I let this white ball of fire enter my heart chakra and spin counter clockwise removing negative energy.
  • I see a white fire horizontal infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the Chakra...white fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from front to back.
  • I feel and see Archangel Michael, the Christ, and my Spiritual Guidance Team sending green fire into this chakra that is perfectly balancing and attuning it to 5th dimensional frequencies. I feel all cords or unwanted energy that is not for my highest good being dissolved by smoldering  green fire. 
  • The green fire is absorbed into my chakra. My Heart chakra is now clear, balanced and vibrating at a 5th dimensional frequency with a ball of white fire.

Walking the 5th Ring: Crown Chakra
Recite while walking the Labyrinth Ring and focusing on the Chakra:
Kaph Lamed Yod,ilk,

  • I draw up the a Crystal ball of fire from the Emerald Pyramid of Light through my feet chakra. I let it enter my crown chakra. I let it spin counter clock wise removing negative energy.
  • I now decree that the Archangel Michael, the Christ, and my Spiritual Guidance Team sending green fire into this chakra that is perfectly balancing and attuning it to 5th dimensional frequencies. I feel all cords or unwanted energy that is not for my highest good dissolved by smoldering green fire.
  • The green fire is absorbed into my chakra. My crown chakra is clear, balanced and vibrating at the 5th dimensional frequency with a crystalline ball of fire.

Walking the 6th Ring: Third Eye Chakra
Recite while walking the Labyrinth Ring and focusing on the Chakra:

Kaph Lamed Yod,ilk

  • I draw up a crystalline ball of fire from the Emerald Pyramid of Light and let it enter my feet chakras. I let it enter my third eye chakra and spin counter clockwise removing negative energy.
  • I see a crystalline horizontal infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the Chakra...crystalline fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from front to back. 
  • I now decree that the Archangel Michael, the Christ, and my Spiritual Guidance Team sending green fire into this chakra that is perfectly balancing and attuning it to 5th dimensional frequencies. I feel all cords or unwanted energy that is not for my highest good dissolved by smoldering green fire.
  • The green fire is absorbed into my chakra. My third eye chakra is now clear, balanced and operating at the 5th dimensional frequency with crystalline fire.

Walking the 7th Ring: Throat Chakra
Recite while walking the Labyrinth Ring and focusing on the Chakra:

Kaph Lamed Yod,ilk

  • I draw up ball of royal blue fire from the Emerald Pyramid of Light through your feet chakras.
  • I let it enter my throat chakra and Daath Chakra and spin counter clockwise removing negative energy and upgrading 3rd dimensional energy. 
  • I see a royal blue infinity symbol connecting the front and back of the Chakra...royal blue fire is continuously running through the lines that form the symbol from front to back.
  • I now decree that the Archangel Michael, the Christ, and my Spiritual Guidance Team sending green fire into this chakra that is perfectly balancing and attuning it to 5th dimensional frequencies. I feel all cords or unwanted energy that is not for my highest good dissolved by smoldering green fire.
  • The green fire is absorbed into my chakra. My throat chakra is now clear, balanced and vibrating at the 5th dimensional frequency with a ball of royal blue fire.

In the Center

As you stand in the center of the Labyrinth put both hands folded over your heart chakra and recite outloud the following decree.
By the Authority of Kaph Lamed Yod, ilk
I now raise my vibrational frequencies within my physical, astral, mental, etheric and spiritual bodies to the 5th dimensional frequencies. I call forth the complete stabilization of my new fifth dimensional chakra system within my entire being.

  • Now in your mind's eye see your chakra column lighting up like a christmas tree of silver fire energy and then all your chakras integrate and blend into one unified chakra ... one silver fire ray of energy running through your spinal column. 
  • Now intone and visualize the Name of God Kaph Lamed Yod ilk , over this unified Chakra to active it.
Walk Back

As you walk out of the Center  imagine thousands of these three fire letter combinations of  ilk , flowing out of your unified chakra into your blood stream. 

  • Imagine every cell in your body taking in the electromagnetic codes and keys contained within of the three fire letters.
  • See all the cells in your body lightening up with these new 5th dimensional DNA codes.
  • See your cells begin to radiate with electrical impulses of the Language of Light.  
  • These electrical impulses are creating a vortex of green fire in the center of each cell. Feel your cells tingling as they begin to spin, in alignment with their center vortex.
  • Feel them spinning; bring in the DNA codes of perfect health, complete balance of your I Am Presence. Feel the Divine you …the Godling...the Christ self now encoded in your cellular structure. 
  • As they spin they are sending electrical messages of love and light to every organ in your body.

Walking Back into the El Tulle Tree Energy Pathway

Walking Back into the Dragon Spiral

Iin the name of the Christ within Yod Hey Shin Vau Hey   hvwhI

Walking out of the Labyrinth

As you walk back, out of the Three Ring Dragon Spiral bring your attention to your heart…  thank Archangel Michael , the Divine Spirit, the Christ, your Spiritual Guidance Team, Mother Earth or anything else you feel comfortable with …for its assistance with upgrading and balancing your chakra system and activating the Christ within you.  Picture your life being in perfect alignment with your life contract.

  • See a life where all our material needs are automatically met.
  • You are abel to work through financial/relationship issues and you can now express love through sexuality.
  • See yourself with romantic partners that are in harmony with your needs and desires.
  • Feel how you are interconnected with all other forms of life on this planet.
  • You now see the best in everyone, everything and act with love in all you do.
  • See yourself as being safe to express what you really feel, think and believe as you really want to.
  • People around you like and trust you. 
  • Picture yourself taking mastery of your life. You know who you are and can see the world from a higher perspective. You are opened up to the wisdom of the universe, like a blossoming flower.
  • Picture this happening and notice how you feel. What you’re wearing and the other people who might witness it. 
  • By imagining at least four of your senses, you validating your visualization and encoding the message in your physical body. Place this picture of “yourself experiencing in your heart. Ask and receive your guardians blessing on it. 
  • Feel the warmth and satisfaction of having achieved what you want. Give thanks for having received it
Before you Exit

Before You Exit
Ask your Spiritual Guidance Team, Archangel Michael, the Divine Spirit or your guardian to surround you with a bubble of blue fire for protection through out your life.  Watch the bubble float down from the Unity Grid that surround the Earth. When you are totally covered by the  fire blue fire bubble step out of the Labyrinth.  


During the next 40 days you should begin to experience the unique gifts of your Christ Self.

  • Every morning when you get up, claim the power of the Christ within you and commit yourself to be in control of your life.  Visualize the symbol or image created for the Christ within you and feel connected to it. Every morning recite the following affirmations

  • I am all powerful and centered at all times and I allow nothing in the external Universe to knock me off balance.
  • I am 100% invulnerable to other people's negative energy, it rolls off of me like water on a ducks back
  • I have 100% personal power and I never  give this power to my sub conscious mind or other people
  • I am guarded, guided and protected and 100% powerful in everything I a do.
  • God is with me where ever  I go.
  • God and Christ are my co-pilots


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Kabbala Transmission Aids

Need help on learning and using  the Fire Letters...Great website for all your needs.

Click here for Transmission Aids

Note: Hebrew letters are read Left to Right;

← Zayin Yod Yod ←